One of the main issues is that while we all "know" this in theory, there is endless confusion over what these two necessities actually mean. What exactly is a "healthy" diet, and what type of exercise are we talking about? Some studies say 30 minutes of "moderate" daily exercise is enough - but how does the average person actually translate this into actionable steps? Is that just a couple of strolls around the block? Does gardening count? What about yoga? It is especially confusing when other contradictory studies seem to show that shorter, but more intense forms of exercise may be more effective.
We've covered healthy eating at length on this blog, so please browse our archives for more on this topic. Today, we are going to take a closer look at some fun and active forms of exercise that can actually keep you healthy, without having to slog away on the treadmill for hours, or force yourself to use those boring and repetitive machines at the gym (which actually aren't really all that great for your body anyway).
The first thing to remember is that the best form of exercise is the kind you actually do! Committing to a new workout routine every few months, and never really following through on any of them, is one sure way to never make any real progress towards your fitness goals.
Instead, it is important to find forms of exercise that you actually enjoy and will do on a regular basis, and you'll find it much easier to prioritize your fitness. Exercise doesn't need to be boring or stale - it's just a matter of mixing things up, and trying things you might not have even thought of as "working out." Not to mention, by participating in a wide variety of activities, you'll actually build stronger and more resilient muscles and joints, and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
Below are a few fun non-traditional workout ideas to incorporate into your regular activity lineup. Try these out, pick one, two, or several of them that you really enjoy, and sprinkle these throughout your week, along with some weight training and HIIT workouts. You'll be amazed to find how much they improve your fitness, without even feeling like you're "working out"!